Does Your Martial Arts Website Have Enough of the Right Text on It!

Having a presence on the internet is always a positive, and it can certainly make your business more visible. However, in order for your website to be effective, you must have the right amount of the right kind of text to maintain a prominent place in Google searches. Insufficient or ineffective text could cause your site to be placed lower in search results, or withdrawn from Google searches altogether.

Google Continues to Upgrade and Revamp Their Algorithms

Google has been in a constant endeavor to improve search results. They are targeting excessive SEO content, poor or irrelevant content and text, and examining every aspect of a website's presence. Their aim is to provide the best and most accurate search results for surfers and users, while eliminating fluff and inaccuracies. Google is filtering out websites with duplicate text as well as those with misleading text. A poor examination could result in a dramatic downgrade. One day you could be on the first page of a search; the next day you could be on page 35.

Why is This Happening?

Google is responding to a flood of consumer complaints - Too many unethical website owners disguising their true intentions. They're masking their true content with pretentious text that confuses and deceives. Unscrupulous website owners pad their content with graphics and text that has very little to do with the actual content. Inexperienced website owners may not realize it, but they are doing the same thing.  SEARCH ENGINES CANNOT READ GRAPHICS, and therefore Google has decided that any site with little actual text and too much graphics on each page is going to be bumped from their search results VERY SOON.  Not only did Google already target websites with duplicate text, they promise to beef that up and also go after websites with too many graphics.  

Content that misleads is not the only culprit. Insufficient descriptions and inaccurate content are also liable to bring about the wrath of Google. Insufficient text doesn't give Google enough information for its algorithms to properly assess the website's content or intent. Google feels, and rightfully so, that websites with more appropriate text provides more information that is relevant and therefore, more trustworthy.

What Can You do?

You need to keep your website up-to-date with great SEO content. You must ensure that the content and text is kept relevant, and accurately defines your website's intent. You have to keep it fresh with text that isn't repetitive or misleading. Imagine that you were searching for a great martial arts studio locally. Would you want to find one on the other side of the city? You would want to find a quality facility as near to you as possible. That content is what you need to have.

How do You Decide What the Best Content is for Your Martial Arts or Karate Website?

That, indeed, is the tricky part. It's so easy to get off on the wrong foot with Google or other search engines. Truly, the absolute, best way to achieve optimum results is to hire a professional web designer or webmaster. A reputable professional will know what content to include. A competent professional, who deals in martial arts and karate websites, offers the best chance for optimizing your internet presence.

A professional webmaster will provide your site with correct, relevant SEO content to ensure your prominence in the spot your website deserves. They know what kind of text and graphics effectively draws in visitors, visitors that won't be disappointed with the results. A pro can keep your website out of Google's radar, and make sure your content sufficiently, accurately, and aptly, represents your business.

Professional Website Design is Best Left to Professionals!

Sometimes, the worst thing you can do is do-it-yourself. Designing and maintaining a professional website for your professional business is one of those things. You hire pros to teach and train your martial arts students. Give your website the same consideration. Avoid the hassles and disappointment of an ineffective website; hire a pro