Boost Your SEO with Google Plus Communities



Google Plus, also known as G+ or Google+, is a social networking and identity service that enables individuals and businesses to interact and share content – be it written, audio or video. The platform is multilingual, and unlike other conventional social networks, you can access it through multiple layers – or portals – owned and operated by Google, Inc. Create a G+ account today and learn how you can use the platform’s many features – especially Google Plus Communities – to boost your SEO and advertise your business effectively.

Google Plus Communities

If you have a Google+ Communities account, you can create ongoing conversations about specific topics. Make sure these topics tie to keywords and other important phrases you want to highlight on your website. This feature is similar to what you would find on Facebook and other social networks – but Google inserts content you create in Google+ Communities in search results. This gives you the chance to advertise a product or service, initiate a campaign, or start a meaningful conversation about a topic near and dear to your heart.

Instant Indexing and Enhanced Linkage

Google constantly pings sites for new information – in other words, it continually culls data from the Internet to enhance search results and show information that is relevant to the user. On your Google+ Communities page, insert topics or start conversations that are relevant to your business, profile or initiative. That way, you boost your chances of having your topics picked up and released in search results, which is a good thing for your SEO goals. For example, say you own a car-servicing company and want to target people who own hybrid vehicles. You can start a conversation about “hybrid cars,” or “hybrid automobiles” on your G+ Communities page, and insert relevant terms that will link the conversation back to your website. 

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to tools, strategies and procedures a business establishes or uses to improve the way consumers perceive its products or services. Also known as brand enhancement, brand awareness allows you to polish your company’s reputation, boost sales and outmatch your rivals. With a Google Plus Communities page, you can reach a larger audience through the platform itself, other Google-owned properties, and in general search results. Make sure you use the right terms for your business, and spread the word to your G+ contacts – who, in turn, may disseminate it to their contacts, and so on.