Martial Arts Websites - Should you write your own content

ESWDG Martial Arts Websites

Should Martial Arts Schools Write Their Own Content?

Whether you've just begun in the business world or have an established martial arts school, the need for fresh content must be considered. Blogs and social media are no longer optional for companies desiring to cater to a wide clientele, and today's customer is more tech-savvy than ever. To get your karate school to the top of the search index, you need keyword-rich content that is both informative and current. While few understand a business as well as the people in it, many businesses lack the time to write their own content, so how do you know when to outsource and when to write yourself?

Know Your Strengths

Not everyone is a writer, but not everyone needs to be. If you can write compelling copy that targets the keywords you need, then writing your own Web copy may be ideal. However, for those who struggle to string creative and dense content together, the answer is rather obvious. Avoid trying to be a jack-of-all-trades when it may be sabotaging your business; know your strengths, and focus your attention on the areas of your business that really could use your touch.

Understanding Your Market

While you may be keen to use testimonials and the like to inspire confidence in your product, you should be wary of doing so with false information. While a writer is fully capable of creating a review for your site, there are many customers out there who can pick up on false information and will then generate negative reviews about your policies. Because word of mouth is integral to any business plan, that's exactly the kind of thing you want to avoid.

If you have legitimate testimonials about your product, by all means, use them. Reviews are often one of the first things customers look for when deciding whether or not they want to make a purchase, and having honest customer feedback can go a long way towards putting your target audience at ease. If you do choose to outsource your content, writers are best used for writing content to describe your services and other aspects of your business.


Writing your own Web copy can be a rewarding venture, but be honest about your capabilities before you begin. If you know how to target the SEO market and can write compelling copy, you may be able to save yourself some money in the end, but if the content you create fails to deliver or if it takes up too much of your time, you may find writing your own content an inefficient use of resources. Outsourcing is a popular business practice these days, and you're certain to find a professional you can trust.